Schule zum Wohlfühlen
Bei uns steht der Mensch im Mittelpunkt, weil Kinder und Erwachsene nur in einem Klima von Wertschätzung, Respekt und Vertrauen individuelle Höchstleistungen erbringen können: Miteinander lernen, üben, feiern und Spaß haben und füreinander einstehen!
Freitag, 3. Februar 2017
Funny, good, great, ...
"I liked the theatre very much because the actors were very funny and nice and I would watch it one more time!" Marlies
"The English Theatre was very cool because it was very funny and interesting. I think it was the best theatre of this year!" :-) Daniel
"I found it a little bit fast for me but also, it was great because the slow-motion-fight was very funny!" Daniel